Color is the most significant factor affecting a ruby s value.
The color ruby.
Ruby colors can range from a deep blackish red to an orangish or pinkish red.
Regardless of the combinations of other colors that can be a part of the ruby the primary color is always red.
Ruby is a dark red or reddish pink that is inspired by the color of ruby gemstones.
The finest ruby has a pure vibrant red to slightly purplish red color.
Displayed at right is the color big dip o ruby.
Saturation also called color purity and intensity is the extent to which the hue is masked by brown or gray.
Ruby is distinguished for its bright red color being the most famed and fabled red gemstone.
Essentially we measure the color of a ruby using three criteria.
The word ruby comes from ruber latin for red.
However rubies come in a variety of colors from bright red to dark pink.
The deeper and more intense the color the more desirable the ruby.
Sapphire the other gem variety of corundum encompasses all colors of corundum.
The color of a ruby is due to the element chromium.
Rubies that are on the shade of too dark can be the color of a wine color.
This is supposed to be a metallic color however there is no mechanism for displaying metallic colors on a flat computer screen.
A ruby is a pink to blood red coloured gemstone a variety of the mineral corundum aluminium oxide other varieties of gem quality corundum are called sapphires ruby is one of the traditional cardinal gems together with amethyst sapphire emerald and diamond.
Hue refers to the ruby s basic color red slight orange strong orange slight purple and strong purple.
Big dip o ruby is one of the colors in the special set of metallic crayola crayons called metallic fx the colors of which were formulated by crayola in 2001.
The darkness of this ruby has a rich color but can have less sparkle.
Tone refers to the amount of color in the ruby ranging from very light to very dark.
Ruby is the red variety of the mineral corundum.
The following are common named colors inspired by rubies.
The most valuable ruby gemstones are a dark red known as blood red or pigeon blood.
Its hue tone and saturation.
However rubies can look stunning in other colors such as pink or brown red.